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GDG Bucharest Meeting

Sharing knowledge and experience by GDG Bucharest community

June 24, 2015

from 7:00 PM

Impact Hub

5 Halelor Street
Bucharest, Romania

Impact Hub Bucharest

GDG Bucharest Meeting with Google I/O 15 updates and Polymer technical presentation

We are part of Google Developer Group community, and on June 24, 2015 we were happy to join GDG Bucharest Meeting.

It was a great experience with interesting topics on the agenda such as Google products updates announced by Google I/O 15 in San Francisco, Material Design updates and showcases, a Hangout with a developer who shared his Google I/O 15 experience in U.S.A. as well as a technical presentation and Q&A session about Polymer, delivered by Bogdan Nourescu, our Google Cloud Platform authorized trainer.

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